Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Big Day!

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 6:27 AM. My mind was working to wrap itself around what that meant.

Is it early, or am I late? What day is it? Do I have school? Should I get up, or do I have some more time?

It’s the same process for me most every day. I am a very deep sleeper.

But this morning was a little different. As my eyes started to close again for a few brief moments of morning slumber, a new and different thought popped into my head.

Hugh, you’re 40.

Lying there I tried to feel different, I really did. I wanted to be alive with a new understanding of life’s great truths. I wanted to suddenly know what it means to be a “Grown-up.” I wanted to feel 40.

I’ve been awake and 40 now for about half an hour…still no big change.

Is it possible that everything I’ve been waiting to happen is all a farce? Could it all be some big political smokescreen designed to keep all of the adults who are under 40 in line?

I’ll keep you posted.

Note: I’m still younger than RLP.


Anonymous said...

Real Live Preacher

Yeah, but by an ever shrinking amount in terms of its relevance to real life.

Happy birthday brother! I love you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from your cousin in Livingston. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Give it a day or so to set in. In about a week you will notice a lot more gray hair. You will be making more visits to the "little boys room". Aches and pains will set in soon. It's a trick. You wake up today thinking,"I'm still the same young man I used to be", and then it hits you like a brick!

Michael said...

Older does mean better.
See your mind is already working better.

Take Care

Hugh said...


Come to think of it, of the eight first cousins, there are only two who are still under 40.

Where did the time go?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Hugh (a couple days late)! I can't relate to the "turning 40" part (heh heh heh), but I am right with you on the heavy sleeping bit. Usually my first thought is "What day is it?" closely followed by "Can I go back to sleep?"
Remember: You don't turn a year older overnight on your birthday. You're really only a day older. And still MANY days younger than Gordon.
:) Val

Hugh said...


Thank you!

My brother just cannot seem to understand the whole age thing. Maybe it’s senility.