Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Please Bug Me!

I wrote here all about getting my new Chevrolet Trailblazer and I mentioned my father-in-law, who I referred to as “possibly the world’s best car shopper.” However, after this week, I feel that I must take the word ‘possibly’ out of that statement.

He and I have spent about a week shopping for a convertible Volkswagen Bug. (Click here to see what we’re looking at) In all honestly, all I’ve had to do is stand there and try not to look like an idiot…a task which shouldn’t be all that hard, but at times taxes my acting ability.

There are only four VW dealers in Dallas and we’ve gone to or talked with each of them multiple times each day. “We’re going to go slow here. They know we’re talking with all the other guys and if they’re hungry enough they’ll keep making us lower bids.” And he was right.

He and I talked about car shopping back before my daughter went to camp and while I’ve been camp shopping and packing, he’s been doing research on VW. We walked in the first dealer and he knew everything there is to know about the VW Beetle. I’m talking about everything from the differences between a package one and a package two, all the way down to the nitpicky trim and tire size things that most dealers have to look up. He had also researched all the financing options that VW offers. He knew all the possible interest rates, rebates and buyer’s incentives that VW offers. I’m telling you he walked in there knowing as much as, if not more than, the average dealer.

That’s one way he gages the integrity of the dealer. He knows in about five minutes if the guy is shooting straight with us. One of the first guys we talked with came back with some interest points that were a point and a half higher than what he had found doing his research and we haven't been back.

We got out of the car at another dealer and he said, “Slow down, make them come to us.” Then he said, “Now I’m going to say some stuff in here that might shock you, but try to just look like it makes sense.” I don’t remember being shocked by anything he said, but percentage points and numbers were flying around like a whirlwind, so I was just sitting there trying not to look like an idiot.

All I know is I’m having the time of my life. I’ll post a picture of the new car when we get it.

It should be any day now!

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