Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Day of 2's

I decided to write something brand new today,
But the darn number 2 just would not go away

I could not pinpoint why there was 2 on my brain,
The cause of this quandary I tried hard to gain

With 2 on my mind as I started to rhyme,
When I realized that 2 is not odd, yet it’s prime

And while that brought a smile to this poet’s cute face,
The idea of 2 I still could not erase

As my fingers keep pecking away at the keys,
I suddenly thought, “Hey!  I’ve got just 2 knees!”

I couldn’t keep 2 of things out of my head,
If I’d had big 2 guns, I might just be dead

2 hands and 2 thumbs where too much to bear,
2 ears and 2 eyes, but I just didn’t care

With 2’s all around me I was feeling shut in,
And that when 2 nightmares, they both did begin

2 feet, arms and elbows when would these 2’s stop?
2 left shoes, 2 right shoes Dragnet had 2 cops

My shirt’s missing 2 buttons, so I felt so confused,
If I had 2 narcotics, I think both would be used

I put my head down, feeling much like a fool,
When I suddenly realized, we’ve just 2 days of school!