Sunday, December 06, 2009

Long Hair

So I decided, back on March 5th of 2009, to just let my hair grow. I’ve kind of had long hair before, but this time it’s different.

You see, before now, when I’ve had long hair, parts of my hair would be long (like the back for instance) but I’d keep the rest in check by getting it trimmed about once a month…or so. Now I don’t have any actual pictures of this, but rest assured it was in no way a mullet.


On March 5, 2009, I was getting my hair trimmed and I just decided to not go back for two months. Before I knew what was happening, two months turned into three and then into four.

By this time my hair had gone through several stages or phases. I would wake up one day and discover that I couldn’t get my hair to work right at all and that it was time to get it cut. However, after a week or two of procrastination, I would wake up and find that it was working again. Then, almost on schedule, a couple of weeks would go by and I’d be right back in the same “bad hair” dilemma I had been in only a few weeks ago. Once again I would fully intend to go get it trimmed, but just wouldn’t get around to going. And the “Good Hair/Bad Hair” thing would start all over again.

I began to find the whole “Good Hair –vs– Bad Hair” situation a wee-bit comical.

At this point I decided not to go to the barber for anything other than getting my sideburns trimmed until 2010. And that brings us to today. Having long hair has been a true learning experience for me. I've learned some valuable lessons that I couldn't have learned with my previous do.

Some of the things my long hair has taught me:

1. Washing long hair is nothing like washing short hair. I see now why my parents gave me a buzz-cut until the third grade.

2. If you have long hair, the wind is not always your friend.

3. If you’re a guy with long hair, people talk to you about art and other cool things like you actually know about them.

4. And if your boss asks you to cut your hair, this is sexual harassment. This never actually happened, it just occurred to me.

Over Thanksgiving, my family was walking to a little restaurant near my parents home when, due to the wind, my hair was being kind of funny. Luckily for me, my daughter captured it on film.

Check out Hugh’s funny hair pictures below.

Me trying not to laugh.

Me doing I don't know what...but looking rather dumb.

I don’t know how long I’m going to let it get…but I’ll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Well - not only was this post worth the wait (and THAT'S saying a lot!) but once again, it has me contemplating the genius that is the Hug-H.

Admittedly, I had been waiting for the "Unruly Haired-Hugh" to rear his ugly head, but gotta say it kinda kept up pretty well and has a somewhat "eclectic professor" feel. (Accurate assesment? Well, that may have to be determined on an individual basis.) Let's just say, I am inspired by your bravery to take on the elements of sun and wind and still retain a semblance of dignity and self-esteem in the end.

Real Live Preacher said...

I like it. Looks cool. And it might be the last time you do this. So enjoy.

I, on the other hand, am letting the hair in my ears grow. I might weave it into some sideburns in 2010.

so you're not the only cool Atkinson boy!

Hugh said...


You could let your ear hair grow, braid it, then tie the braids together and super glue it under you nose.

Now there's some blog fodder for ya'!

Anonymous said...

You are far too handsome when your hair is cut to leave it long. Go for the haircut!!:)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you're so wrong.
From Hugh's wife