Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Month to Month

We recently moved into a new house and we all love it. The new house has a family room and we had to buy some new furniture. The sofa we bought has six, 36 inch square pieces. Three of the squares have a back on one of the four sides, two of them have a back on two of the sides that forms a corner, and one piece has no back at all.

When we first picked them out I had the idea of having a different pattern for each month of the year. That way we’d always know what month it is based on the arrangement of our sofa. We kind of laughed about it, but in the back of my mind I thought, “Hmmm, could I really do this?”

The sofa arrived on about the 15th of May and we set it up like the pictures below.

As June was winding down, I just didn’t have the gumption to move anything. I started to see my monthly seating arrangement as nothing more than a pipe dream. A nice idea, but one that I would never see actually happen.

Then it happened.

I was sitting at home, with all of my honey-do projects finished for the day, when I had a new sofa arrangement vision. It was a work of art! So unconventional, yet so practical, so easy, and so user friendly. Check out the pictures below.

Now I see that I’m going to have to open my mind and let the month’s sofa pattern find me. To tell the truth, August is Melissa’s turn, so I’m sure it will be great.

As for future sofa patterns…I’ll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

It's kinda like a monthly SofaTetris game!

Anonymous said...

When I was reading your first paragraph I kept getting this urge to write the details down - so I would know how to figure out what time the trains (or in this case sofas) would meet.

Sorry, can't get the student teaching out of my system. :-)

Hugh said...

Sofa Tetris, I like the sound of that!

As for details in the first paragraph, as I was writing it it I felt like I was writing a math word problem for my students. Hey! Maybe I could use them to help me come up with future patterns.

Anonymous said...

Oooo! Had an idea - are they also stackable?

Hugh said...

Hmmm? You put interesting ideas into Hugh's head. While my welding skills leave MUCH to be desired, still I could probably come up with some kind of steel frame system that would allow for stacking.

Sure, I'd have to not only find the right kind of steel, secure the proper kind of welder and welding supplies, design it, build it and somehow get it inside the house. However, the really hard part will be selling my wife on the idea. She has this crazy idea about "Everything looking nice."

If I was back in college...we'd be stacking these bad boys!