Sunday, June 01, 2008

3 Days Left...a little late!

I find it increasingly harder to find,
A way to leave all of my school crap behind

You’d think that at this point it would be rather simple,
Like telling your brother he’s got a huge pimple

Now Hugh, that’s just gross, I can you each say,
But you like my poems edgy, so I keep them that way

Don’t forget that today is our dancing debut,
So come shake your buns as the kids shout, “YOO-HOO!”

And just try to keep up with our dear friend Ms. Jackie,
Please don’t copy her moves, they can get pretty tacky

Now back to your brother, the one with the zit,
Cause it’s fun to just smile, and then tease him a bit

And you have a good time, poking fun at his nose,
But then the fun starts to get old...I suppose

That’s just how it is, this time of year,
You know what to do, but you can’t get in gear

It could be because your thoughts are all hazy,
But it’s probably because you’re just being lazy

Don’t get all upset, and start throwing a fit,
Come dance at the show, and you’ll be a huge hit

Keep moving along, with your mind worry free,
Go have a great weekend, your days left are three

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These have been fun for me. I would have enjoyed them as a teacher.
Love, Retired teacher in G-town