Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Disney World

We went to Disney World for eight days and we had a blast!

We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort (see it here), the same place Melissa and I stayed on our honeymoon. If you’re going to Disney World, I highly recommend staying in one of the Disney resorts. Being able so simply hop on a bus and go anywhere is very nice.

My favorite ride was a toss up between three different rides.

First, there’s the Rocking Roller Coaster (experience it here). This ride takes you from 0 to 60 mph in something like 2.4 seconds. It’s got all kinds of twists, turns and loops, but you’re in the dark for much of the ride. As a bonus, the whole time your jamming out to AeroSmith.

Second, we have Expedition Everest (experience it here). This coaster has you zipping along high in the Himalayas when the Yeti rips the tracks to shreds and sends you backwards through the ride.

Both coasters are really good rides.

Third, is an amazing free-flying attraction called Soarin' (experience it here). In Soarin’ your hanging 40 feet in the air in a seat that lifts, dips and turns as you watch a kind of IMAX film that gives you an aerial view of California. You zoom over and through the redwood forest, Yosemite, the Golden Gate Bridge and the lights of Hollywood.

This wasn’t a coaster, but it was very good all the same.

Being at Disney was nice, but now it’s back to the real world…and I’ve only got 9 more weeks of vacation left!


The Teller said...

Poor baby, only 9 weeks of vacation left? How will you survive?

Ok, this sounds sarcastic but its really jealousy.

Jim said...

Last time at Disney, my favorite "ride" wasn't actually a ride. It was a mock set-up where you supposedly were inside the control room of a rocket ship and in the center of the room was a transparent cylinder with a sort of reptile man-eating alien inside. Yep! You've guessed it. Technical difficulties has all the lights going out, then coming on only long enough for you to note the monster has escaped. Then back to the darkness, the sound of screams, and the noise of Raptor running amok in the place. Real enough that you have to close your eyes and continually remind yourself it isn't. I'm surprised there are no pre-boarding signs warning people with weak hearts....