Saturday, May 20, 2006

Love is Like a Roll of Tinfoil

Last Tuesday, I had an eye doctor appointment right after school. School is out a 3:00 PM, but I’m really not supposed to leave the building until 3:45. However, my principal is very easy-going and always understands if you have to make appointments for right after school.

I guess she would rather have you leaving right when the kids do, than taking a full or half day off to go see the doctor.

So like I said, I had this appointment that I made a few weeks ago. Being the responsible team member that I am, I was quick to inform the rest of my grade level that I would be leaving early. Just so nobody would schedule a grade level meeting that day or something like that.

Tuesday comes and I leave at 3:05 for my appointment.

Jump ahead to Wednesday, at 7:20 AM:

My usual routine when I get to school is to enter the classroom through my teaching partner’s door, turn on her lights, go around through the middle section of our classroom while it’s still dark, flip on the lights as I go around the corner and open the door on my side of the class from the inside.

It all works like a charm until I get to my door handle. I reach down and discover that the entire handle is covered in tinfoil. At first a bit perplexed, my mind starts shuffling through my students’ names and I quickly come up with a few extremely likely culprits. Finally getting the foil off, I casually turn around and freeze in my tracks.

I couldn’t believe my eyes…

As it turns out, the teachers on my grade level had been planning this for over a week. I don’t know who came up with the idea for using tinfoil and I don’t know exactly how many people were involved. I mean there are six of us, but as it turns out they invited everyone they could find to come in and help.

I must admit I’m pretty lucky. I’m lucky to have coworkers who are friends, and friends who would go to this kind of effort (not to mention expense…tinfoil ain’t cheep!) to bring joy to my day.

So, Love is Like a Roll of Tinfoil, a little bit can do a big job, but a lot…well, a lot can come in handy too.


Michael said...

That's so cool!

Take Care

Jim said...

Happy unwrapping........

Hugh said...

Actually, the unwrapping was quite easy. My 4th graders were all too happy to help. We had the whole thing cleaned up in a matter of minutes!

We made one GIANT foil ball.

Grandma K said...

Your fellow teachers sound much like I had the priviledge of working with on many occasions! It can make the time much more fun!
I hope you have the luck of continuing with folks like them.