Thursday, May 26, 2005

A Day with Alice Cooper

I’ve spent the entire day with the lyrics to the classic Alice Cooper song, “School’s Out for Summer!” running through my head. I even went so far as to sing a few bars to parents as I walked my students, their kids, to the doors this afternoon.

However, based on the semi-polite chuckles I received from frantic parents, I’m forced to conclude that these parents know all too well what they are in store for. (Although, I must admit it could have been the sound of me singing, just ask Real Live Preacher)

I won’t be thinking about, let alone setting foot in school until sometime in mid August.

So for me, School truly is out for summer, but for some of these parents...I think it’s just beginning.


Anonymous said...

Hugh, I celebrate with you the day all teachers love. There was a time when you were in school that I was on both sides. However, having the summer with my children would end of the best of days. I know you feel that with Macy. Mom

aola said...

Being a home school Mom, being out of school just means I have one less thing to do but I do rejoice in that one less thing.
Free until September!!

my soon to be 7th grader sitting next to me as I write says ...

Yeah!! Schools Out For Summer...