Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Sudden Gush of Warmth

I love teaching for more reasons that I can name. 

When you are surrounded by young minds and young hearts who not only enjoy being around you, but also think you’re cool…well baby, you’ve got it made. 

When you’re at the grocery story and small bodies with large voices rush at you while screaming your name…you feel like a movie star.

When every joke you tell explodes the room with laughter… you start to believe you’re truly funny.

When a parent comes to you and says, “I’m an physics professor at SMU, but my son tells me I don’t understand how to divide correctly, can you help me?” … you know you’ve hit the big time.

When parents of former students who are now in high school see you in line at Starbucks, and jump up and pay for your coffee… you see you made a difference.  

When a high school senior, number six in his graduating class, asks you to come to the districts Top Ten Graduates Luncheon as his most influential teacher… you realize your life has been meaningful.

And finally, when a student walks up to talk and calls you “Dad”… you get a sudden gush of warmth in your heart. 


Real Live Preacher said...

Yep, you're definitely a rock star.

David Rupert said...

Hugh...Teachers have a difficutl job, but you definitely have the most upside! We all remember our teachers when we were kids. The Good. The Bad. The ugly. Sounds like you are one of the good ones.

Hugh said...

Thanks David, I try to be.

Megan Willome said...

I think that in this world, a male teacher like you has an influence that most female teachers will not have. With so few fathers, father-figures stand tall.

Anonymous said...

Awesome :)


Aleta Schrock said...

Yeah, I know the feeling! I get called "Mom" or "Grandma". They laugh when I respond with, "Yes, "son/daughter".

I was also reading your previous post. Up here in the north (Indiana) our students are learning how to pass the tests, (Made AYP for the first time last year!) but they are less prepared for life.

But like you, I focus on doing the best I can for the children. We have some amazing students in spite of the poverty, etc..