Friday, February 04, 2011

It Turned into a Six-Day Weekend...

Monday seems so long ago. I woke up at 5:00AM like usual, went to school, had after school tutoring and came home like normal. Little did I know that from Tuesday on, normal and me would become like the poles of a magnet.

I got the first no school call early Tuesday morning.
And my face had smile.

I got the second no school call late Tuesday afternoon.
And my face smiled again.

I got the third no school call late Wednesday afternoon.
And my face had a grin.

I got the fourth no school call late Thursday afternoon.
And I rolled my eyes.

I watched the news Thursday night and all the channels reported that Dallas may get a light dusting of snow, but more than likely travel conditions in Dallas and the surrounding areas would be, for the most part, okay.

I woke up at 6:00AM looked out the window and saw this:

Turning on the news I learned that the storm had taken a “slight” shift. This shift allowed Mother Nature to dump six to eight inches of snow on the city.

While six-day weekends are nice…I wonder when I’m going to be making up those extra days?


Anonymous said...

kool post

conference call said...

please upload more picture when you have extra time, these are great