Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Not Dead...YET!

A lot of new stuff is making this a pretty hard school year.  I think my writing, or rather lack of writing, is a direct result of the stress from school.  I've started a couple of stories, but just haven't had the time or the energy to finish them.  

Please don’t give up on me.  Check back from time to time, if only out of curiosity or boredom.

If you pray, please pray that I can grab this tiger by the tail and not lose my head in the scuffle. 



SeLFs said...

YoU haVe a VerY gooD BLoG==
NiCe ProSe & PoetrY + PicTuRes==
ThaT's whaT iT's aLL aBouT...
KeeP oN KeePiN' oN

Anonymous said...

(I'm starting to have my doubts as to the accuracy of this postings subject line)

"Paddles! - Clear!"



"I barely have a pulse! He really is in fact 'nearly dead'!"