Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Me No Writing...

I noticed today that it has been over a month since my last posting. While I’m not known for posting very often, I do usually put something online at least two to three times a month. However, in my defense, this end of year at school has been a pretty hectic end of year. I don’t know what exactly it is that has made this year all that much more difficult.

Thinking back I can only find a few things that stand out as stressful:

#1. Half of the teachers on my grade level have left teaching, at least for a while, to take care of family.

#2. My class had a particularly hard time with some of the TAKS test concepts. This always seems to make the end of the year, the time when our scores come back, a nail-biter. (However, all my students passed everything!)

#3. Some of the parents of students on my grade level, not of my students mind you, made it their mission to make things hard for the entire school. I guess this is a “Trickle Down Stress” kind of thing.

Call it stress, call it anxiety, call it laziness, call it whatever you will, but I haven’t been in much of a mood to write. This is my first full week off, and my hope is that not only will my desire to write be renewed, but I will also have new fun experiences of which to write about.

Take for instance my resolution to begin working out the first Monday after school was out. That was this last Monday and I did begin working out. My plan is to work out Monday through Friday for 45 minutes to an hour. It’s Wednesday and so far I’ve worked out every morning. I feel pretty good, even though I can barely move in any direction without experiencing severe, sharp pain.

Yesterday, I was at Walmart and this guy asked me to help him put this huge box into his SUV. Without thinking I just grabbed one end of the box and hoisted it off the ground. Luckily for me something akin to adrenaline must have kicked in. I'm standing there holding this box with what feels like a baby elephant inside with burning pain shooting all through my body, but I didn’t drop the box. I’ll keep you posted on my progress and pain.

All that to say, yes, I am still alive and I hope to be writing more soon.



Real Live Preacher said...

Cool, look forward to reading you again.

Anonymous said...

I've missed your writings. M in G-town

Anonymous said...

Me too!

Hugh said...

I guess I should find something to write about.

I'll work on it!
