Friday, June 22, 2007


Wednesday, Macy and I went to the Star Wars exhibit (You can check it out here) at the Fort Worth Science and History museum. I, being somewhat of a Star Wars nut, was super excited. Macy, who was born a couple of decades after the original movie came out, doesn’t truly appreciate these films like I do. However, she tagged along promising to do her best to not get too bored.

I had a blast and Macy really enjoyed herself as well. There is also an IMAX film all about the history of special effects, and it was great. If you are any kind of a Star Wars fan I would highly recommend going to this exhibit. However, I read somewhere that Fort Worth is the only city in the Southwester United States that is going to host this exhibit, but that may or may not be true. The exhibit will only be in Fort Worth through the middle of September.

I snuck a camera in and managed to covertly snap a few photos…take a look at what we saw.

This is the actual landspeeder that
Luke Skywalker drove in the original
Star Wars movie. It was much smaller
than I had imagined.

A couple of the extremely detailed miniatures used in the filming.

One of the many Darth Vader costumes
from the original movie.

The inside of Darth Vader's helmet.

And of course, the most feared of all the
Jedi Lords, Hughbi-Wan-Kanoobi!

May the force be with you always.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are really strange sometimes--but yet I still laugh at the silly things you do! I guess thats what makes me such a great sister!!!