Saturday, March 24, 2012


My daughter’s high school drill (The Lake Highlands Highlandettes) went on a Spring Break cruise to celebrate their 50th year as a drill team.  The cruise was open to all current Highlandettes, all former Highlandettes and any parents who wanted to tag along. 

Melissa and I tagged along.

About 15 other parents tagged along with us and we all had a great time.  There were also a number of actual chaperones also on the ship, but for us it was really just a cruise that our daughter happen to be on as well. 

The cruise was really fun.  I ate too much, drank too much and got sunburned…
Like I said, the cruise was really fun!

I came home with a wee-bit of blog fodder.  (If that’s even a correct use of that word???) My plan is to write about several different fun and interesting parts of the cruise.   The parts I have in mind are:

·      Riding the Rain Forest tram
·      The crazy, death defying cab ride
·      My first, and hopefully my last, time on a nude beach (sorry no pictures!)
·      Nick, rum punch and the 4X4
·      Attack of the green monkeys

I may add to the list and I may combine two of them into one story.  Let’s just play it by ear. 

Remember, I said, “My Plan,” is to write about these events.  But I ain’t promising when!

I also don’t know what order I’ll write them in.   I'll figure that out later.

My hope is that putting this on-line will inspire me to write.

Let's see what happens


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can't wait. m in georgetown