Saturday, October 03, 2009

A Visit From A Farm Animal

There aren’t all that many farms or ranches in Dallas anymore these days. Oh sure, we live less that 20 miles from South Fork. The former Ewing ranch made famous decades ago by the mildly popular television show Dallas. Perhaps you’ve heard of it…

Anyway, other than that I don’t really even know where you’d go in Dallas to find an actual working farm. (South Fork hasn’t been a working farm in years)

However, even with the lack of farms here in Big-D, we found ourselves on the receiving end of a visit from a rather pesky little farm animal.

The animal in question is both pink and plump with a flat nose and a curly tail. And no, I’m not talking about Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web…for us it was nothing than mundane!

Our little friend goes by the name “H1N1” and carries with him a basket of little goodies with things like a cough, sore throat, fever and chills.

That’s right it’s everyone’s favorite, the Swine Flu!

To tell the truth, for now, only my daughter has gotten to see our little pink bundle of joy, and the rest of us are washing out hands constantly in an effort to avoid any pork related illnesses.

So far, so good.

When did the other white meat get to be such a nuisance?


Anonymous said...

Try rubbing some oikment on her forehead; I hear that helps.

Hugh said...

Did you mean "OINKMENT"?

If so, that's very funny!