Friday, June 19, 2009

Now I get it...

There’s this guy at my church, who reads this blog. I’m not sure how often, but I do know that he reads it, which puts him in a very exclusive and rather small collection of individuals known fondly to me as “My Readers.” I’m quite certain you can count them all on one hand and still have fingers left over.

But anyway, at church there is this guy, we’ll call him Pablo.

Pablo and I teach Sunday School together and we were just hanging out and taking attendance before the lesson started, and our conversation went something like this:

“Let me see your hands.”

“What? Why?”

“Well, I assume they’re broken, or burned and bandaged.” Looking down and toward my hands. “Nope, hmm? I just assumed since you’ve posted nothing since May that there must be some kind of problem…but I don’t see anything. It just makes you wonder.”

“Hey! I’ve been busy. I’ve had all the end of school stuff, we just moved and …”

Pablo just rolled his eyes and nodded his head.

And that’s when it hit me.

Pablo is a nice guy, a little socially inept, but a nice guy all the same. I’ve been posting here for three or four years, and in that time I’ve had a couple of posts that “tons” of people read. I don’t know how they found them, but these few posts had more than their fair share of readers. And that felt good. However, unlike my brother’s RLP blog, I didn’t really have any true Third Grade Mind followers…not until Pablo.

So for Pablo I’ll try to do a better job of keeping up with my writing schedule.

Note: Don’t you worry about Pablo. He’ll read this, but he won’t have any idea “Pablo” is really him.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Pablo isn't the only person reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog and am thankful for Pablo!


Anonymous said...

¡Hola mi Amigo!

Pablo here (I'm guessing)- and it was AWESOME to click on my Ramblings bookmark and not see "Exemplary" atop the page! While stalking your family and driving around neighborhoods taking street view pictures for Google maps I did notice some outstandingly designed and meticulously installed landscaping in your yard. I was then stricken with a pang of guilt realizing, "Whoah. My great friend really HAS been busy." I then read the other comments and concluded I'm obviously not alone in my Ramblings Fandom. Although excited to read this fresh rambling, I did notice a typo regarding a reference to your friend being "socially inept" - not sure what was intended to go there but you may want to re-read your post and correct that obvious mistake.

Hugh said...

¿Cómo es usted?

If you knew Pablo then you would have to agree about his "social ineptness." Like I said, he's a nice guy. Socially, however, he's a wee-bit rough around the edges. In the end we all love him

Anonymous said...

I too am an avid follower of Ramblings and have enjoyed them more than you know. I say "more than you know" because I rarely, if ever, post a comment. I thought I'd make an exception today since I too was excited to see and read your latest post and realize there are likely many other blog readers like myself. Much like Pablo, I fear I may also be a bit understood and mislabeled as "socially inept". I was recently reading a commentary last Sunday about how dangerous a label can be and how many struggle with trying to overcome negative labels placed upon them. I fear this may be just the case of an outgoing, warm, funny, intelligent individual being falsely labeled. Just a thought.

Hugh said...

I see your point about "labels", but if you knew Pablo, the I know you'd agree.

Please know that just like every student in my class who struggles, there is a soft spot in my heart for Pablo.

Pancake Recipes said...

Lovved reading this thank you