Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just Me...

I’m finding it harder than ever this year to be motivated to sit down and write, and I don’t know why. I like to write. When I’m writing hours pass by like minutes. It’s a grand experience.

But I don’t know what it is that causes my writing to slow down. Maybe it’s school and all the beginning of the year headaches. Maybe it’s just life and normal everyday pressures. Maybe it’s age. Who knows?

What I do know is that I miss writing, but just can’t seem to get myself started. I have several things I want to write about and I’ll do my best to get around to them at some point.

But today I have a question and I need your help.

At my school we have a Halloween parade every year that is a pretty big deal. I mean the hallways are filled with parents and grandparents holding cameras and cheering. All the students walk through the halls and classrooms showing off their costumes. Not only do all the students dress-up, but the teachers as well. The kids, for the most part, all wear the usual store bought costumes. However, the teachers are always the ones to watch. Each grade level tries to outdo not only the other grade levels, but also themselves from the previous year.

That being said, there are five teachers on my grade level and we could really use a great costume idea. There are four ladies plus myself, although gender really isn’t a factor for the costume. I would wear a dress for the team if I needed to. Remember, this is a public elementary school, so any costume idea would have to be appropriate for our younger viewers.

We had the idea of being a hand, but we haven’t come up with an easy way to pull it off.

Whatever we end up being, I’ll get some photos and post them here…should be good for a few laughs.

Got any good costume ideas?


Jim said...

They hold a yearly Halloween parade at our elementary school also. Not all teachers come in costume, but enough that there is always a fair share of witches in the hallways. One fellow on the signing staff has a Mickey Mouse sort of outfit (minus the face mask). No suggestions for you to try, but your writing suggests to me your ingenuity isn't lacking. I, too, by the way, find my brain "numb" in the evenings after school and my blog production to be dwindling......

Anonymous said...

When I need a costume i always rely on my old favorite. I wear all black clothes, put black makeup around my eyes, and a large construction paper 'P' on my shirt and go as a "Black-eyed Pea".
Pretty fun and easy.

Tracy W.

Anonymous said...

At a frat party I once saw six guys go as a six pack of beer. They used frisbees for the caps and created the "pack" part with decorated cardboard. I realize you only have 5 AND you might not want to decorate the pack in a beer motif(sp?) but it could work. I don't know, just something to think about. :-)

Hugh said...

Thanks, these are all great ideas.

I thought of the six-pack idea too, but I thing the principal would not like that one.

As for the black-eyed peas? It's's easy. That may be a winner.

Some of our other ideas are:
Royal Flush
4 out of 5 dentists who like Trident

Thanks for the ideas and keep-um coming.
