Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is it me, or is it Batman?

A few years ago, my district decided that every employee needed to have a picture ID. I’d been on staff at schools who’s principal had decided to require all teachers to wear nametags, but this was the first time I had been required, by the district, to wear a picture ID. To tell the truth, I believe it is a good idea.

Early on I became bored and possibly a little dissatisfied the picture on my tag. I don’t know if it was the shirt I was wearing, the expression on my face, or just a bad hair day. Whatever the reason I decided I wanted to change the picture on my tag.

It wasn’t long before I figured out a way to change the photo on my name badge, and I changed it to a more recent and much more flattering picture of myself. Happy with my new name badge again, I could once again concentrate all of my energy on teaching.

One morning, only a couple of days after changing my picture, I was getting ready for school when I had a true stroke of genius. If I could take my ID badge and put a new picture of myself on it that easily, what was stopping me from putting whatever picture I wanted on the badge?

Over the last few years I’ve had many different secret identities. I try to use pictures of people that my students will recognize, but sometimes, like the time I was Willie Nelson, I just have to be someone who makes me happy.

Some of the people I have been include:

Darth Vader, Larry the Cucumber, Barbie, Willie Nelson, Spiderman, Superman, Princess Leia, Gumby and currently I’m Batman.

Whenever a student notices my badge, I act like it’s big secret and say, “If everyone finds out who that I’m really Batman, then I won’t be able to fight crime anymore.”

Most of my students love my ever-changing name badge. Some of students think just think I’m nuts. Sadly, a few of them have never noticed.

So, as for who’s going to show up to teach my class on Monday…

Your guess is as good as mine.


Jim said...

64, retired, and working in Spec-Ed in an elementary school here in Kentucky. Maybe I need to start looking closer at my compadres' badges......

Michael said...

Oh you have GOT to give me details on how to do company has changed to these name picture makes me look like a stone's throw from deaths door. It wasn't an issue at first, I could keep it in my wallet and simply slap my wallet against the reader ...but now they're fencing in the "complex" and I'll have to wear the tag on a lanyard...

I won't change my picture to Batman...just something to make it look like I've eaten.. :)

I'll tell everyone you're Bruce Wayne in exchange...