Saturday, April 14, 2007

Questions I need answered...

How do you tactfully tell a parent that you feel their child needs to be tested for special education?

How do you help a child after you’ve called CPS twice, without any real results?

What do you say to a boy who gleefully announces to the whole class that he eats his boogers, and then proceeds to demonstrate?

What do you say to this same boy’s parents when they ask you why he doesn’t have any friends?

How can a male teacher tell a girl in his class that she needs to start wearing a bra?

How do you help a child care about school if her father died this year and her mother has cancer?

How can you help an overweight child like herself?


Anonymous said...

You do it all with love, respect and a shoulder to lean on.....

Sounds like you have a lot going on in your class right now!

I love you for your sweet wonderful heart!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh--That was from your sister!!!

Anonymous said...

About CPS:
Call and keep calling. Write. Be a pest. Report everything out of the ordinary you see. Get other people who see something wrong to call too. You never know when the right number of teachers, the right number of neighbors, finally, finally, gets someone's attention.

Anonymous said...

Tell the boy's parents that he doesn't have any friends because he proudly eats his boogers in class!

DON'T tell the girl that she needs to start wearing a bra! That is up to her parents! Do you want to be accused of looking???

Help the child care about school by showing her that you care. Talk to her. Tell her that life IS hard, but we must persevere. Bad things happen to good people, but the true test is how you respond. Tell her to cry when she needs to, that it's ok to be sad that her father died and that her mother is sick. Tell her to use learning and reading as a diversion from the hard parts of life. Just keep talking to her every day until you find something that makes her bad situation a little more bearable.

Help the overweight child like herself by helping her find the things she's good at...reading, writing, being a good friend, comedy...whatever it is.

From another third grade teacher